Update: Volunteer Tomato’s and Dollar Store Container Garden Trial

Here’s a quick update on the volunteer tomatoes post and the dollar store container testing lettuce and radish grown in shallow pans.

The planted volunteer tomatoes are thriving. In fact the compost that I dug in is now sprouting more volunteers. I recognize more tomato starts. And a few unique sprouts I’m not certain of.

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Portable Lighting – you probably already have one

So I’m walking around the urban homestead the other day and said, “jeez look at all the flashlights I have”. Time to collect and organize. All of the lights still work to some extent. The small white with blue band was the only one that didn’t light up. It looks like it runs off of those small coin batteries. I recommend shying away from these lights as I think coin type batteries will be near hard to find during and after an incident of major proportions. Here is a quick rundown of my favorites. LED is the way to go nowadays.

Collection of portable lighting.
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Practice Gardening – Dollar store container gardening

I have a fascination with container gardening. I always preach that you must practice at gardening and learn the behaviors of different plant and vegetables. Today I’m growing container lettuce and radishes. Both of these are easy to grow, this help builds confidence, beacause gardening is challenging at best. Practice now and you’ll have a head start if the SHTF. I’m using dollar store oil catch pans. They are definitely deep enough for lettuce but I wanted to see if a radish could develop in this shallow environment. I’ve grown radish in tall cups, but if they grow in a 4 inch deep container then I can do away with the cup method. Below is the set up. Cost for supplies $5.00 not including tools. Buy your seeds on sale at the end of the season for next year, usually half price. Better yet save your seeds. Another story. Enjoy!

Seed bank, needs work I know
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Seeds are all around us – look for these hidden gems

I tried my hand growing corn this season. Knowing good and well it may be a failure. I wanted to see the characteristics of corn growing in my urban garden. I did get a couple of small ears to the table and rest looked like corn you get with your Chinese meal. But I did learn and will try again. I left a few ears on the dried up stalks and low and behold found what appeared to be the seeds that I originally started with. Pull the ear off and remove the kernels, place them on a plate and store in a cool dry place for a week or more. Then put them in an envelope and label the date and if you know the species. These will be used in my next corn growing trial.

Corn plant
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You Probably Already Have One – A house full of prepper supplies.

With the new year upon us, I decided to search out my lifetime collection of pocket knives. They have been purchased, gifted or acquired over my lifetime. I was surprised at how many I had scattered all over. Brought back a few memories as well. My first knife was the Boy Scout knife at the bottom, it was also the first time I realized, knives are sharp. To add insult to injury, I didn’t win the pinewood derby.

Continue reading “You Probably Already Have One – A house full of prepper supplies.”