Simple Sutures

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Medical care beyond a cold or flu or a minor cut is where my doctors degree ends. Thinking about healthcare or first aid is a must during everyday life and more-so if formal healthcare is not available.

Larger cuts are a real possibility when self reliance is in full play. I found these the other day that would make a great addition to your medical preps.

Video Credit:

Your patient will probably be more at ease as well if your not hovering over them with a needle and thread sterilizing the needle with a lighter.

There are other options as well made by 3M corp. All of these are now available over the counter or through Amazon.

Video Credit: Viral in USA

These would make a great addition to your mobile medical kit as well as your home medical supplies and could be applied by most any of your team it yourself if required. Beans, Bullets and Zipties.

Pallet Wood – Forget about making a crappy coffee table, burn it!

As you may be aware, we live in an urban environment. Firewood is at a premium and available conveniently at our grocery store and big box hardware store, but at a premium price. Big bucks for just a few 16″ pieces of lord knows what. mostly pine, but for the urban back yard burner, it’s premium fire wood.

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What About Me? – Consider your pets when stocking your supplies.

This is half of our early alert team. Dedicated companions, great listeners, and always on alert. Him and his brother have kept our family guarded 24-7 unless we interrupt their natural instinct to stay on watch, for moments of petting, playing and emotional support. Then once we’re done with their affection, they go right back to work keeping watch.

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Comprehensive First Aid Kit

Guest post by Grey Viking

Do not discount the importance of a portable and comprehensive First Aid Kit. I keep one in my Truck, stored in my Emergency Kit. It is small and compact, yet it has what I may need for minor medical emergencies. I keep the kit stored in a highly visible, red zippered pencil case. I have a attached a carabiner clip, so I can attach it to my belt, if needed.

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The Humble Television Antenna.

Cable TV has become another utility payment for the majority. Programming is definitely broad with many options available for all tastes. But during an event that cable may not be available for many reasons, lines down, cable supplier power outages, or the switch was turned off for unknown reasons. Don’t be caught without an alternative method for keeping up with lifesaving news or time killing entertainment.

Continue reading “The Humble Television Antenna.”

Hand Tools – no batteries required

Don’t underestimate the usefulness of a well rounded hand tool collection. In times of power outages or more extreme disasters, your collection of hand tools could mean the difference in your survival. Start putting together your hand tool collection now. There are a lot of great bargains for older carpentry tools. Many of these old tools were built so rugged that the surface rust that the seller thinks is the end of the tool, is just the thing that allows us to get a great deal.

When putting together your collection, think about the main tasks, drilling, cutting, planning, hammering. Then fill in with the other tools like screwdrivers, squares, chisels.

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