Pallet Wood – Forget about making a crappy coffee table, burn it!

As you may be aware, we live in an urban environment. Firewood is at a premium and available conveniently at our grocery store and big box hardware store, but at a premium price. Big bucks for just a few 16″ pieces of lord knows what. mostly pine, but for the urban back yard burner, it’s premium fire wood.

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Feather Sticks – Increase your chances in fire building

With a little extra effort making a feather stick will increase your chances of successful fire building. Simple to perform on any ingnightable tinder. Position your kindling on a hard surface like another log and start peeling away small feathers on the stick. Rotate the stick as you continue downward strokes creating curls of easily ingnitable wood curls or “feathers”.

Kindling laying on a stump
Various small kindling
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