Feather Sticks – Increase your chances in fire building

With a little extra effort making a feather stick will increase your chances of successful fire building. Simple to perform on any ingnightable tinder. Position your kindling on a hard surface like another log and start peeling away small feathers on the stick. Rotate the stick as you continue downward strokes creating curls of easily ingnitable wood curls or “feathers”.

Kindling laying on a stump
Various small kindling
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Not everything works out – Practice! and improvise.

Back to the carving stump. Today I wanted to make a beard comb, unfortunately things didn’t work out as planned, much like prepping. All was going well with the beard comb until it came time to make the tines. I will cut the tines earlier when there is more meat on the blank, then sand it down to a finer edge. I need a butter knife anyway. When life gives you beards, make butter!

Quartered log and axe on stump
Continue reading “Not everything works out – Practice! and improvise.”

Sharpening Day – File, Stone and strope.

The first of the month is coming and sharp tools are essential. For safety and performance. Dull tools are dangerous. On the first of the month depending on usage I like to keep everything nice and sharp. My method is file rough edges, feather with a wet stone and hone with a leather strope. When you’re ready to use your collection. They will always be nice and sharp!

Collection of axes, knives on table.
Continue reading “Sharpening Day – File, Stone and strope.”