This is half of our early alert team. Dedicated companions, great listeners, and always on alert. Him and his brother have kept our family guarded 24-7 unless we interrupt their natural instinct to stay on watch, for moments of petting, playing and emotional support. Then once we’re done with their affection, they go right back to work keeping watch.
When planning your food supply remember your pets. They also need to eat and drink every day. Depending on the food your currently feeding your pets, it may be unreasonable to store massive amounts of dry food. Although we currently feed dry food, we have been buying canned food because it has a longer shelf life and is less susceptible to insect intrusion. In the end I’m sure our pets would love the change to canned food. but not until the SHTF.

Stocking up on medications, such as flea and heart worm prevention. appears to have been affected by the corporate machine. Several years back, I was told by my veterinarian that I could only buy a 6 month supply at a time, then I would need to bring our pets in for a regular check up. and could get another 6 months supply.
I’ve had dogs most of my adult life and we’ve care for these animals as good as our own children. I don’t even get a check up twice a year. Our animals seem to out live many of our friends animals so our care and attention to their needs and health must be paying off.
I’ve recently found a mobile vet program who comes to our local pharmacy and administers the annual rabies shots and other shots required annually. Along with the check up the mobile vet sells the major brand of flea and heart-worm meds. They must make a great profit off these meds, because they have no problem selling me a years supply or more if I wanted. Doggy Pill Mill?
In the end, during a crisis, these animals may be the edge you need to get through. Add them to your prepping supply list and your return will be 100 fold.