Day 23, the trial dollar store container garden is doing well. We’ve had varied weather with the last week being extremely windy with temps around upper 50’s to mid 70’s.

Radishes are starting to bulb out. I expect by next week we’ll have some good progress. Radish have a growth spurt during the last days of growth. Usually a 30 day period to harvest. I suspect the shallow pan may hinder the tap root. I believe I’ll still get a useful harvest although small. But remember this is a trial to see how shallow planting affect the radish growth.

The lettuce appears to be healthy. We’ve had minimal sun, and lots of rain. For the trial I also limited the amount of seeds per hole to about 5 to 3 seeds per hole. This is a bib lettuce that I’ve had good luck by growing in deeper 1 gallon pots, one group of plants per pot, seeded two weeks apart for an extended supply.

The volunteer tomatoes have suffered from a bit of wind damage. A few stems have broken off. Don’t rip off broken stems if possible, I like to trim off with a pair of pruners.

For the most part, each plant has a cluster of fruit. Normally I would cut this cluster off to allow the main plant to thrive. I’ve left them on for this series.

The best harvest of urban tomatoes I’ve had was last year when I indiscriminately scattered a packet of seeds across the entire planter. I did not stake or support them and they grew naturally as if they might in nature.
To be continued…..