Guest post by Grey Viking.

Even though the high capacity semi automatic pistol reigns supreme in popularity today, I would like to present a case for the .357 Magnum Revolver, being the most versatile handgun you can own.
Why I love the .357 Magnum Revolver:
-Selection of a firearm is primarily based on what it will be used for. There is no perfect handgun for all situations, but a .357 Magnum Revolver covers many. It can be used for Recreation/ Target Practice, Hunting, a Field/Woods Gun and, of course, Self Defense, whether against two leg or four leg threats. As most firearm enthusiasts know, the .38 Special can also be used in all .357 Revolvers, greatly increasing it’s versatility. .38 Special and .357 Magnum ammo is widely available almost everywhere.

-There are a wide variety of ammo choices in .38 Special and .357 Magnum to fit the bill for most situations. Low power wadcutter ammo can be used for small game. Cheap target practice ammo for punching paper. Jacketed Hollow Point ammo that has a proven track record for self defense. Heavy weight, hard cast ammo for hunting and threats up to Black Bear.
-Choices today are still great for Revolvers. The two most popular makers are Smith & Wesson and Ruger. Less popular makers include Taurus and Charter Arms. Colts can still be found on the used market, but fetch a high price. Used Revolvers abound in today’s semi auto world. While I love Single Action Revolvers, today’s focus will be on Double Action models. Numerous finishes and barrel lengths are available, as well. But, sticking to the topic of versatility, I would recommend a medium frame .357 Magnum Revolver with a four inch barrel in whatever finish you prefer. Stainless Steel is the most durable with Blued and Nickel finished Revolvers being more traditional. Adjustable sights are great, but fixed sights are rugged and can suit most needs. Yes, they can be concealed with a proper belt, holster and effort.
-Accessories for your revolver are pretty basic. You’ll need a quality holster from a reputable maker. Reputable makers include Bianchi, Safariland, Galco, DeSantis, Simply Rugged and many more. The type of holster depends on concealed or field carry. Don’t think you can really go wrong with a leather, pancake style holster from one of the above makers. You’ll need a method to carry spare ammo. I recommend Speed Loaders or Speed Strips (I prefer Safariland Speed Loaders). They can be carried in your pocket or on a belt pouch. Lastly, a basic cleaning kit to keep your Revolver running.

So, to rest my case, I’ll recommend a Smith & Wesson or Ruger, medium frame .357 Magnum Revolver, with four inch barrel (with the finish of your choice). I believe it the most versatile handgun you can own, based on the above provided information. Let the debate begin!
Peace- until it’s not an option