Practice Gardening – planting volunteer tomatoes

Gardening is not easy. Whenever you have the opportunity to grow something take it! Learning how different plants grow and behave and what type of insects and disease gravitate towards a type of plant. Practicing now in times of peace will be invaluable during a long term event. Growing also gives you a chance of teaching your spouse or children to be more self sufficient and it’s a great way to exercise. This collection is the result of the volunteer tomatoes I harvested from our compost bin. Practice, practice, practice!

Plot of weeds
Remove as many weeds as possible
Rake area clean. Nice rake!
Fertalizer machine
Compost magic
Black gold
Add to garden
Rake out the heavy bits and return to compost bin
Time to use the volunteer tomatoes
In a 4 foot garden, I place one tomatoe plant in 2 square feet
Trim off the lower sprouts and branches
Plant tomatoes deep! They will grow more roots along the stem giving you a greater yield
Smooth out soil and create a circle around each plant
Use sticks or cages to support each plant.
Deep water each plant. Try not to get the leaves wet. Water near the base and around the remaining box. Saturate if possible.
Let the growing begin. Now you’ll need to tend to the plants daily or every couple of days

You’re on your way. Watch the behavior on the plant. Look for bugs or leaf changes. It a good idea to keep a journal logging when you planted, what changes are occurring and how you remedied the problems. Happy gardening!