Feather Sticks – Increase your chances in fire building

With a little extra effort making a feather stick will increase your chances of successful fire building. Simple to perform on any ingnightable tinder. Position your kindling on a hard surface like another log and start peeling away small feathers on the stick. Rotate the stick as you continue downward strokes creating curls of easily ingnitable wood curls or “feathers”.

Kindling laying on a stump
Various small kindling
Hand holding kindling on a stump
Hand shaving curls of wood on a piece of kindling
A feather stick and knife on a stump
A feather stick and knife on a stump
Another feather stick and knife on a stump
A match stick feathered with curls of wood
Feathering a matchstick will help lighting in windy conditions
Three different feather sticks and a knife on concrete
A large butane matchstick lighter alongside a small wood matchstick that has been feathered
If all else fails get a larger match!
Tip of a large butane match stick lighter, ignighted