Compost Volunteers – a head start on vegetables

We compost. The benefits are immeasurable. The return is great fertilizer with no chemicals. Another benefit are volunteer plants, in this case, tomatoes. Each year we get several volunteer plants, mystery plants of sorts. With a little effort, these can be replanted and the harvest is the reward.

Looking inside a compost bin. Remnants of vegetable waste and coffee filters and limes visible
Looking at a compost bin head on sitting on dried grass with tomato sprouts coming out of air holes on the left side
A close up of the tomatoe sprouts growing out of the air holes of the compost bin
Three tomato volunteers
A persons fingers pulling gently on a tomato seedling sprout
Gently pull out seedlings, give help if needed
A persons fingers pulling gently on a tomato seedling sprout
Three tomatoe seedlings with roots exposed held in a persons fingers
A persons finger making a hole in a small pot of earth
Pot in compost or potting soil
A persons fingers gently planting a tomato seedling in a pot of earth
Plant tomatoes deep right up the fuzzy stem. Roots will sprout.
A tray of four pots with starter sized tomato plants in the back with three pots of newly planted tomato seedlings in the front
Four previous volunteers with three to follow.
A close up shot of a tomato plant flowering
From flowers to fruit.
A variety of small ripened tomatoes on a cloth on a counter with the sun shinning on them.
Last years volunteers.