After tending to the trial containers and tomato plants, I noticed the zinnia patch starting to look weathered and worn.
Don’t limit yourself to saving vegetable seeds. Although food will be important. Sanity and humanity must also be a part of your prepping.
If times get bad, having a small bit of humanity like cut flowers may help you, your spouse or loved ones feel a bit more normal during stressful times.
Zinnias, another easy garden gem. Bloom out large heads of flowers. These eventually dry up and become the seeds for the next generation. Learning to recognize how plants go to seed will help you spot seeding plants when you may need these seeds for future survival, food or flowers.

Start watching the plants around your home or property and you’ll see changes in the plant that will reveal how they seed new generations. Most all vegetable plants will go to seed similarly most flowers will go to seed as well. I believe roses must be from cutting or grafting but that’s another story.

So get out in the garden and keep your eyes open and start looking at how all plants go to seed.