2004 hurricane Frances, not a killer storm but hit our area and caught everyone by surprise.

During that storm we lost power for 5 days, on day 6 I was fortunate to find a fresh shipment of generators had just arrived at the home depot while I was buying rolls of tar paper for roof repairs. Out came the credit card and even though I Paid top dollar $700, I Iwas hailed a hero for being able to power fans and the refrigerator. A week later hurricane Jean gave us another wakeup call and another 9 days eithout power. This time our food supply was safe and I powered a small window ac unit. We were in heaven!
Fast forward to 2019. New house but, We still have the same generator thanks to faithful maintenance. Every two months I run it for 30 minutes. Every year I change the oil and filter and after every hurricane season, November 30th I add fuel stabilizer.
With the help of a qualified electrician we’ve since added a circuit to power the entire house minus the AC. We have a cold fridge and I strategically switch off breakers and can generate hot water.
In 2017, after hurricane Irma. We lost power for 7 days. After the storm it was sweltering at a balmy 85 to 93 every day and night.
Not again! Ive added a temp panel and a small window unit to our safe room. This is were everyone gathers during and after the storm, we have TV, comfort and now cool air.

Set a calendar appointment on your phone repeating every two months and you’ll be grateful when the time comes to run your own power plant. Nothing is more satisfying!