During a bug in situation, your pool could be a life saver. I was visiting a friend the other day. They have an above ground pool. I asked what shade of green he was attempting to reach. He advised he will take care of it when summer arrives.

Like any other source of water, take steps to keep it as clean as possible. You never know when it may be needed in the event of a natural or man made disaster. Above ground pools are abundant at our remote location for times of drought which are happening more frequently. Nobody is swimming in 40 degree weather, but they are still able to flush toilets, clean dishes etc.

Part of your preparedness should include keeping your pool clean. This pool above holds 16 thousand gallons of water. If the power goes out and you have maintained the water, you’d have a supply of water for flushing toilets, bathing, cleaning dishes and clothes. In a dire emergency drinking if needed. With proper maintenance and the right weather conditions it will last a week or more, if your stocked with chemical, your supply could last weeks if needed.

Just as you would prepare to store fuel, food, don’t forget to maintain this valuable source of water. In an urban or rural environment, it could mean life or death. Keep a healthy supply of chlorine and Muratic acid or sulfuric acid on hand. Learn to check the chemical levels with a test kit. If you’re unsure about how to use a test kit. Ask you local pool store to help you, by bringing a water sample and your kit to the store. They will almost be certain to train you how to use the test kit properly and with confidence. God bless!